Getting Child Support Enforced

It can be frustrating and even financially devastating when a parent owing support fails to meet those obligations. The law provides various remedies.

To facilitate payment and track delinquencies, you might consider signing up through the Family Support Center, a service provided by the State of Missouri.

If your Judgment did not provide for a wage withholding order, you might want to consider using that approach if you know the obligor’s employer.

Or you might want to contact the Division of Child Support Enforcement, the agency within the State of Missouri charged with the responsibility of collecting delinquent child support payments.

Failure to pay child support is a criminal offense – criminal nonsupport – which is a class A misdemeanor unless the delinquency equals twelve or more consecutive months, in which case it is a class D felony. While not the ideal option, involving the prosecuting attorney could provide sufficient incentive to pay arrearages.

Other options do exist, including filing a motion for contempt, which allows the court to award not only arrearages, but also interest and attorney fees, and the court can fix the manner of securing payment.

Only a skilled and experienced family law attorney can properly advise you as to the various options you have with regard to collecting past due child support.

At The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C, we have over fifty years of combined experience handling family law matters. We help individuals understand their rights with regard to all issues, including collecting past due child support. 

We do all required discovery, and will try your case before the judge if we cannot reach a settlement. We have handled hundreds of trials before family court judges; if you choose The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C., you will have the benefit of a family law attorney unafraid to go to court, advocate on your behalf and fully present your case.

Time to Act

Time is of the essence.  As soon as you select The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C. to represent you, we will immediately put our considerable experience and resources to work on your case.  The sooner we can review the necessary information, the sooner we can formulate a strategy for your unique circumstances, helping to ensure the best possible outcome.

Contact The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C.

For an initial consultation with an experienced child and spousal support attorney, send us an email or call us at 314-993-6300.

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