In our previous post, we described a resource that Sesame Street offers to help children learn about and process divorce. In this post, we briefly look at another resource from Sesame Street, aimed at parents and professionals involved in family law.
Sesame Street has a professional development program called Sesame Street in Communities, and it utilizes their experience in child development to provide resources and instruction to parents and service providers in a variety of contexts, including divorce.
The Dealing With Divorce section offers a moving instructional video on a variety of topics related to helping children through the divorce process. It also has additional videos, printables and activities families can employ to talk about issues raised by divorce.
Individuals can sign up with the site and chart progress and access further resources.
We like the Sesame Street site for its tone, its succinct presentation, its clarity and its compassion. We encourage parents and providers to give it a look.
If you have questions about resources for parents and children to discuss divorce, contact us – we can help.