Behind the shroud of secrecy: Steve Jobs and paternity

On behalf of The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C posted in Paternity on Thursday, October 13, 2011

When Steve Jobs died last week, tributes to the consumer technology visionary poured in from all directions, from the president to Apple fans to pundits. While virtually everyone spoke glowingly of Jobs’ unparalleled attention to detail and laser-sharp sense of what people want, few spoke knowledgeably about Jobs as a family man.

He was much more than the iconoclastic co-founder of Apple, he was also a son, husband and father. Because Jobs was passionately secretive about his family life, few are familiar with the paternity dispute he dealt with as a young man.

In 1977, when Jobs was just 22, his then-girlfriend became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. When she asked the entrepreneur for child support, he balked.

In court, he denied paternity, telling the court that he was sterile and couldn’t be the father.

His former girlfriend was reportedly forced to go on welfare afterwards.

Jobs apparently didn’t have a relationship with his daughter until she was seven years old. But over time, the relationship developed to the point where she moved in with her dad when she was a teenager.

He later paid for her to attend Harvard.

Now a writer in her 30s, she lives in New York.

The father-daughter relationship appears to have worked out for the two of them.

Here in Missouri, laws involving paternity not long ago changed. If you’re a mother or a father with questions about paternity, child custody, parental rights or child support, you should speak to a family law attorney familiar with those changes and how the law can be used to protect you and your family.

Source: International Business Times: “Who is Steve Jobs? The Man Behind the Legend,” Oct. 6, 2011

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